
Test system for the non-invasive monitoring of athlete training loads during the training
What are Enzymolum-FITNESS test kits used for?
At the present moment, there are no optimal methods of exercise stress control. However, there is an urge for FAST AND EASY methods for the evaluation of the organism condition.
Who are the tests designed for?
For athletes, coaches, medical doctors, fitness instructors, fitness clubs.
Could you give some more information about the test kit?
This is a non-invasive test kit designed for the express control of the functional condition of the organism under physical exercise stress for the prevention of overload. The test method is based on bioluminescent analysis. Easy to use, it provides the test result immediately. The test kit may be used in the training of athletes of any level and for the monitoring of the condition of the sport and fitness club customers. The technology belongs to the sport diagnostics domain.
What technology is the test based on?
The Enzymolum-FITNESS test kit relies upon the method of the measurement of the intensiveness of the bioluminescent fluorescence emitted by the biferment system (NADH:FMN-oxyreductase+luciferase) with the use of immobilised multicomponent Enzymolum reagent; the injection of saliva into the reaction mix activates the markers, bioluminescent reaction substrate, that produce the responce of extinguishing the luminescence that manifest the metabolic changes of the organism in the saliva.
We have done everything to make testing easier
  • Duration:
    the test takes maximum 10 minutes
  • Accessibility:
    requires no invasive sample-taking methods (saliva is used)
  • Simplicity:
    requires no high qualification of the staff.
  • Mobility:
    the test can be made anywhere.
Enzymolum-FITNESS test technology
Using saliva as a material makes the frequency and accessibility of measurement in the process of training and competition practically unlimited. This is a convenient tool for the everyday work of a jockey, a coach, a veterinarian, or for the individual control of the animal response to the exercise load for the flexible real-time adjustment of the training program.